Committee Meeting Minutes

2024/04/09 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held via Zoom on Tuesday. 9th April 2024.


  • Welcome, Introduction and Apologies
  • Litter and Fence Repair
  • Insurance
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is held on Wednesday, 12th June 2024 at 19:00 via Zoom.

NOTE: Meeting on 12th June 2024 not held. Re-scheduled for Wednesday, 19th June 2024 in person.





2024/03/20 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held via Zoom on Wednesday. 20th March 2024.


  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Apologies
  • Tender Sub-Committee Update
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • Smoke Vents
    • Water Leak
    • Water Staining
    • Smart Meters
    • Fencing
    • Paving
    • Internal Paintworks
    • Playpark
    • Lifts
    • Bike Removal
    • Postman Fob
    • Parking Issues
    • Underground Car Park
    • Anchor-bolts
    • Cleaning and Gardening Specifications Review
    • Maintenance Plans
  • Paint for Main Door
  • Dogs
  • Additional Meeting

The next Committee meeting is held on Tuesday, 9th April 2024 at 19:00 via Zoom.




2024/01/24 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held via Zoom on Wednesday. 24th January 2024.


  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Committee Objectives for 2024
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • Paintwork
    • Gas Safety Checks
    • Cold Spots
    • Parking Spaces
    • Parking Issues
    • Dunedin Street Concrete Fence
    • Recent Storm Damage
    • Bike Removal Project
    • Skylight
    • Comment from Cleaners
    • Interior Paintwork Plans
  • Insurance
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 20th March 2024 at 19:00 via Zoom.



2023/10/25 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held via Zoom on Wednesday. 25th October 2023.


  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • Legionella Tests
    • Bike Removal Project
    • Signage
    • Cherry Tree
    • 6 Rigg Damaged Fence
    • Emergency Lighting Test
    • Commercial Vehicles
    • Emergency Turning Space
    • Painting and Decorating
  • Contingency Funds
  • Annual General Meeting (AGM)
  • Insulation
  • Approval and Communication of Minutes
  • AOB
    • Floats
    • Factor Management Fee
    • Cost Discussion
    • Pre-AGM Meeting

The next Committee meeting is the pre-AGM Meeting to be held on Tuesday, 21st November 2023 at 19:00 via Zoom.

The Annual General Meeting is scheduled as follows:

Date: 28th November 2023
Time: 18:30-20:00
Location: Driver Sports and Social Club (Taxi Club), 12 Beaverhall Road, Edinburgh EH7 4JE



2023/08/23 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held via Zoom on Wednesday. 23rd August 2023.


  • Introduction of new Secretary - James Bowyer
  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • Lifts
    • Gardens/Tree Replacement
      • Replacement Trees for area behind Townhouses
      • Cherry Tree - 7 Rigg
      • Giant Hogweed
      • Protective Hedge around Play Area
    • Turning Points - Yellow lines and cross-hatching
    • Costs, Insurance, Redecorating
      • Internal Redecorating Costs
      • External Redecorating Costs
    • Contingency Funds
  • Dogs and Dog Fouling
  • Canonmills Garden
  • Meeting with City Planners re Powderhall Transfer Station Redevelopment
  • AOB
    • Contingency Funds
    • Insurance Claims
    • Insulation Matters
    • Welcome Pack
    • Bike Storage
    • Stair Reps
    • New Developments
    • PVOL Update

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 25th October 2023 at 19:00 via Zoom.


2023/05/17 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held via Zoom on Wednesday. 17th May 2023.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • Lifts
    • Costs, Insurance, Redecorating
      • Contingency Funds
      • Internal Redecorating Costs
      • Irrecoverable Debt
  • Gardens/Tree Replacement
    • Replacement Trees for area behind Townhouses
    • Cherry Tree - 7 Rigg
    • Giant Hogweed
    • Ivy
    • Gardens
  • Dog Fouling
  • Canonmills Garden
  • Meeting with City Planners re Powderhall Transfer Station Redevelopment
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 2nd August May 2023 at 19:00 via Zoom.








2023/03/15 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held via Zoom on Wednesday. 15th March 2023.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
  • Replacement trees for area behind Townhouses
  • Noisy Neighbours and AirBnB
  • Canonmills Garden Completion
  • Meeting with City Planners re Powderhall Transfer Station Redevelopment
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 17th May 2023 at 19:00 via Zoom.








2023/01/11 Commitee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held via Zoom on Wednesday. 11th January 2023.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
  • Replacement trees for area behind Townhouses
  • Canonmills Garden Completion
  • Meeting with City Planners re Powderhall Transfer Station Redevelopment
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 15th March 2023 at 19:00 via Zoom.







2022/11/16 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held via Zoom on Wednesday. 16th November 2022.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
  • Maintenance Issues
  • Gardens
    • Replacement trees for area behind Townhouses
  • Developments at Canonmills Garden
  • Parking
    • Allocation of Disabled Spaces
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 11th January 2023 at 19:00 via Zoom.






2022/09/06 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held via Zoom on Tuesday, 6th September 2022.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
  • Maintenance Issues
  • Gardens
    • Replacement trees for area behind Townhouses
  • Developments at Canonmills Garden
  • Parking
    • Allocation of Disabled Spaces
  • AGM
    • Date of next Annual General Meeting
    • Agenda
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 16th November 2022 at 19:00 via Zoom.






2022/07/19 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held via Zoom on Tuesday, 19th July 2022.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
  • Maintenance Issues
  • Gardens
    • Replacement trees for area behind Townhouses
    • Jubilee Trees
    • Hose
    • Benches
  • Developments at Canonmills Garden and Beaverhall Road
  • Parking
    • Allocation of Disabled Spaces
    • Electric Car Charging Points
  • AGM
    • Date of next Annual General Meeting
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Tuesday, 6th September 2022 at 19:00 via Zoom.





2022/05/10 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held via Zoom on Tuesday, 10th May 2022.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
  • Paintwork
  • Gardeners and Gardening
  • Developments at Canonmills Garden and Beaverhall Road
  • AGM
  • AOB
    • PVOL Accounts
    • Disabled Parking Spaces

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Tuesday, 19th July 2022 at 19:00 via Zoom.




2022/03/08 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held via Zoom on Tuesday, 8th March 2022.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
  • Paintwork
  • Gardeners and Gardening
  • The Queen's Jubilee
  • Canonmills Garden Development
  • AOB
    • AGM
    • Demolition of 4 Square Building on Logie Green Road
    • Funds from Sale of Strip of Land

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Tuesday, 10th May 2022 at 19:00 via Zoom.



2022/01/18 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held via Zoom on Tuesday, 18th January 2022.


Dog Fouling

  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • Parking
    • Fibre Broadband
    • Lighting
    • Paintwork
    • Flooring
    • Bin Stores
    • Christmas/New Year Period
  • Buildings Insurance
  • Dog Fouling
  • Gardens
  • AGM
  • AOB
    • Powderhall Village Owners' Limited
    • Amazon Van
    • Lifts
    • New Town and Broughton Community Council

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Tuesday, 8th March 2022 at 19:00 via Zoom.

2021/10/27 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held via Zoom on Wednesday, 27th October 2021.


Dog Fouling

  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • Parking
    • Fibre Broadband
    • Lighting
    • Paintwork
    • Flooring
    • Bin Store Doors
  • Dog Fouling
  • Gardens
  • AGM
  • AOB
    • Powderhall Village Owners' Limited
    • Treasurer Report
    • New Town and Broughton Community Council

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Tuesday, 18th January 2022 at 19:00 via Zoom.

2021/09/01 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held via Zoom on Wednesday, 1st September 2021.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • Parking
    • Fibre Broadband
    • Lighting
    • Paintwork
    • Doors
    • Horse Box
  • Dog Fouling
  • Costs: Building Insurance, Cleaning, Gardens
  • Foxes
  • AGM
  • AOB
    • Powderhall Village Owners' Limited
    • Treasurer Report
    • External Doors
    • Mice
    • Litter

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 1st September 2021 at 19:00 via Zoom.

2021/09/01 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held via Zoom on Wednesday, 1st September 2021.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • Parking
    • Fibre Broadband
    • Lighting
    • Paintwork
    • Bin Store Doors
  • Costs: Building Insurance, Cleaning, Gardens
  • Foxes
  • AGM
  • AOB
    • Powderhall Village Owners' Limited
    • Treasurer Report
    • External Doors
    • Flooring
    • Other
    • New Town and Broughton Community Council

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 27th October 2021 at 19:00 via Zoom.

2021/06/23 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held via Zoom on Wednesday, 23rd June 2021.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • Parking
    • Fibre Broadband
    • Lighting
    • Paintwork
    • Doors
    • Horse Box
  • Dog Fouling
  • Costs: Insurance, Cleaning, Gardens
  • AGM
  • AOB
    • Facebook Group
    • Powderhall Village Owners' Association Accounts
    • Powderhall Village Owners' Limited
    • Arrears
    • Electric Vehicle Charging Points
    • Bike Storage
    • Mice
    • Litter

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 1st September 2021 at 19:00 via Zoom.

2021/04/21 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held via Zoom on Wednesday, 21st April 2021.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • Parking
    • Fibre Broadband
    • Lighting
    • Paintwork
  • Dog Fouling
  • AOB
    • Buildings Insurance
    • Notification re building cost increases
    • Powderhall Accounts
    • Electric Vehicle Charging Points
    • Bike Storage Bins
    • Mice Infestation
    • Removal of Horse Box
    • Surrounding Area
    • New Town and Broughton Community Council

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 23rd June 2021 at 19:00 via Zoom.

2021/02/22 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held via Zoom on Monday, 22nd February 2021.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • Roof Leaks
    • Front and back door locks
    • Balcony Drainage
  • Fibre Broadband
  • Cladding
  • Powderhall Village Owners Ltd Update
  • Storage of Bicycles
  • Motor Vehicle Charging Points
  • Dog Fouling
  • Lighting
  • Bonnington Control Parking Proposal
  • Powderhall Bowling Green Proposal
  • AGM - Planning
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 21st April 2021 at 19:00 via Zoom.

2020/12/09 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held via Zoom on Wednesday, 9th December 2020.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • Roof Leaks
    • Front door locks
    • Balcony Drainage
  • Fibre Broadband
  • Cladding
  • Powderhall Village Owners Ltd Update
  • Bicycle Stores and Theft of Bicycles
  • Storage of Bicycles
  • Motor Vehicle Charging Points
  • Dog Fouling
  • Gardens
  • Contingency Fund for Future Repairs
  • AGM
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 24th February 2020 at 19:00 via Zoom.

2020/10/28 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 28th October 2020.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • Essential Works
    • Gardening
    • Communal Lighting
    • Powderhall Village Facebook Group
    • Bin Stores
  • Powderhall Village Owners Ltd Update
  • Dogs
  • Parking spaces
  • Signposting
  • AGM
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 9th December 2020 at 19:00 via Zoom.

2020/08/26 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 26th August 2020.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • Essential Works
    • Gardening
    • Block Cleaning
    • Exterior Maintenance
    • Communal Lighting
    • Powderhall Village Facebook Group
    • Bin Stores
  • Powderhall Village Owners Ltd Update
  • Dogs
  • Parking spaces
  • Signposting
  • AGM
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 28th October 2020 at 19:00 via Zoom.

2020/06/25 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 25th June 2020.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • Essential Works
    • Gardening
    • Block Cleaning
    • Communal Lighting
    • Powderhall Village Facebook Group
    • Bin Stores
  • Powderhall Village Owners Ltd Update
  • Parking spaces and Signposting
  • Dogs
  • AGM
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 26th August 2020 at 19:00 via Zoom.

2020/02/26 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 26th February 2020.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • Lighting
    • Powderhall Village Facebook Group
    • Bin Stores
  • Canonmills Garden Development
  • Sale of strip of Common Land along Powderhall Road
  • Powderhall Village Owners Ltd Update
  • Parking spaces and Signposting
  • Garden Committee
  • Children and Dogs
  • AGM
  • AOB

The Annual General Meeting of the Powderhall Village Owners Association and Powderhall Village Owners Ltd will be held on Monday, 23rd March 2020 at 19:30 in the school hall at Broughton Primary School.

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 13th May 2020 at 19:30.

2020/01/17 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 17th January 2020.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • Lighting
    • For Sale and To Let Signs
    • Powderhall Village Facebook Group
    • Key Safes
    • Bin Stores
  • Canonmills Garden Development
  • Sale of strip of Common Land along Powderhall Road
  • Powderhall Gate Development
  • Review of Parking Spaces
  • Gardens
  • Children and Dogs
  • Boilers
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 26th February 2020 at 19:30.

2019/09/12 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 12th September 2019.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Conveyancing of Parking Spaces and Common Land
  • Parking Improvements
  • Canonmills Garden Development
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • For Sale and To Let Signs
    • Maintenance
    • Storing Items in Common Areas
    • Powderhall Village Facebook Group
  • Bin Stores
  • Perimeter Matters
  • Gardens
  • Children's Playpark
  • Short-term Lets
  • Dog Fouling
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Thursday, 7th November 2019 at 19:30.

2019/07/19 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 19th July 2019.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Conveyancing of Parking Spaces and Common Land
  • Parking Improvements
  • Canonmills Garden Development
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • For Sale and To Let Signs
    • Maintenance
    • Storing Items in Common Areas
    • Powderhall Village Facebook Group
  • Bin Stores
  • Perimeter Matters
  • Gardens
  • Children's Playpark
  • Short-term Lets
  • Dog Fouling
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Thursday, 12th September 2019 at 19:30.


2019/05/22 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 22nd May 2019.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Conveyancing of Parking Spaces and Common Land
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • For Sale and To Let Signs
    • Maintenance
    • Storing Items in Common Areas
    • Powderhall Village Facebook Group
  • Canonmills Garden Development
  • Perimeter Matters
  • Gardens
  • Lift Inspections
  • Vibration from Powderhall Waste Disposal Site
  • Waste Collection
  • Road Traffic
  • Dog Fouling
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Thursday, 18th July 2019 at 19:30.


2019/01/18 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 18th January 2019.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Conveyancing of Parking Spaces and Common Land
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • For Sale and To Let Signs
    • Maintenance
    • Storing Items in Common Areas
    • Salt Bins
  • Canonmills Garden Development
  • Perimeter Matters
  • Gardens
  • Powderhall Social Event
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Thursday, 14th March 2019 at 19:30.

The Annual General Meeting for 2019 will take place on Wednesday, 3rd April 2019 from 19:00 to 21:00 at The Capital City Church International, 107c McDonald Road, Edinburgh, EH7 4NW.

2018/11/15 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 15th November 2018.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Conveyancing of Parking Spaces and Common Land
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • Auto-diallers
    • Bike Stores
    • For Sale Signs
    • Maintenance
    • External Paintwork
    • Damp Issue
    • Fence Panels
    • Salt Bins
  • Canonmills Garden Development
  • Perimeter Matters
  • Gardens
  • Powderhall Social Event
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Thursday, 17th January 2019 at 19:30.

2018/09/06 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 6th September 2018.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Conveyancing of Parking Spaces and Common Land
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • Lifts
    • Lighting
    • Bike Stores
    • Items placed on Common Stair Areas and under Fire Windows
    • For Sale Signs
  • Maintenance/Factoring Costs
  • Powderhall Waste Disposal Site
  • Gardens
  • Powderhall Social Event
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Thursday, 15h November 2018 at 19:30.

2018/07/19 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 19th July 2018.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Conveyancing of Parking Spaces and Common Land
  • Review of Actions by Charles White Ltd
    • Lifts
    • Lighting
    • Bike Stores
    • Tiled Floors
    • For Sale Signs
    • External Paintwork
    • Health and Safety Checks
    • PV Facebook Group Membership
  • Canonmills Garden Development
  • Powderhall Social Event
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Thursday, 6th September 2018 at 19:30.

2018/04/26 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday,  26th April 2018.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Conveyancing of Parking Spaces and Common Land
  • Lighting
  • Vandalism
  • Health and Safety
  • Refurbishment
  • Electric Car Charging Stations
  • Waste Collection
  • Powderhall Social Event
  • Powderhall Village Gardens
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Thursday, 19th July 2018 at 19:30.

2018/01/18 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 18th January 2018.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Conveyancing of Parking Spaces and Common Land
  • Lighting
  • Vandalism
  • Waste Collection
  • Powderhall Residents' Facebook Group
  • Powderhall Security
  • B&Q Development
  • Mice
  • Powderhall Social Event
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Thursday, 1st March 2018 at 19:30.

2017/11/09 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 9th November 2017.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Parking Congestion on Powderhall Road
  • Canonmills Garden Development
  • Conveyancing of Parking Spaces and Common Land
  • Lights at 6 The Brae
  • Vandalism
  • Waste Collection
  • Commemorative Tree for Dougie Brown
  • Powderhall Residents' Facebook Group
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Thursday, 18th January 2018 at 19:30.

2017/08/31 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 31st August 2017.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Parking Congestion on Powderhall Road
  • Canonmills Garden Development
  • Conveyancing of Parking Spaces and Common Land
  • Disabled Parking
  • Vandalism
  • Waste Collection
  • Sky Dishes
  • Commemorative Tree for Dougie Brown
  • Powderhall Residents' Facebook Group
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Thursday, 9th November 2017 at 19:30.

2017/07/06 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 6th July 2017.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Canonmills Garden Development
  • Conveyancing of Parking Spaces and Common Land
  • Matrix of Owners
  • Parking Matters
  • Vandalism
  • Waste Collection
  • Sky Dishes
  • Commemorative Tree for Dougie Brown
  • Powderhall Residents' Facebook Group
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Thursday, 31st August 2017 at 19:30.


2017/04/27 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 23rd February 2017.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Canonmills Garden Development
  • Conveyancing of Parking Spaces and Common Land
  • Matrix of Owners
  • Parking Matters
  • Vandalism
  • Waste Collection
  • Sky Dishes
  • Commemorative Tree for Dougie Brown
  • Powderhall Residents' Facebook Group
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Thursday, 29th June 2017 at 19:30.


2017/02/23 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 23rd February 2017.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Canonmills Garden Development
  • Matrix of Owners
  • Conveyancing of Parking Spaces and Common Land
  • Parking Matters
  • Vandalism
  • Waste Collection
  • Sky Dishes
  • Commemorative Tree for Dougie Brown
  • Greenspace Scotland

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Thursday, 27th April 2017 at 19:30.

The AGM of the Powderhall Village Owners' Association will take place at Capital City Church, 107 McDonald Road, EH7 4NW from 19:00-21:00.

2017/01/26 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 26th January 2017.


  • Canonmills Garden Development
  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Matrix of Owners
  • Conveyancing of Parking Spaces and Common Land
  • Parking Matters
  • Vandalism
  • Waste Collection
  • Bin Store Doors
  • Blockage of Bin Chutes
  • Commemorative Tree the Dougie Brown

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Thursday, 23rd February 2017 at 19:30.

2016/12/01 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 1st December 2016.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Conveyancing of Parking Spaces and Common Land Tender Approval Process
  • Updates on actions by Factor
    • Underground Car Park
    • Waste Collection
    • Bin Store Doors
    • Blockage of Bin Chutes
    • Landscaping
    • Flower Bed on Beaverhall Road
    • Dog Fouling and Health Issue for Children
    • Commemorative Tree the Dougie Brown
    • Increase in Management Fees
  • Canonmills Garden - Consultation Exhibition
  • Powderhall Resident's Facebook Group

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Thursday, 26th January 2017 at 19:30.

2016/10/27 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 27th October 2016.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Conveyancing of Parking Spaces and Common Land
  • Tender Approval Process
  • Updates on actions by Factor Powderhall
    • Security and Lighting
    • Underground Car Park
    • Waste Collection
    • Bin Store Doors
    • St Mark's Park Bridge
    • Flower Bed on Beaverhall Road
    • Dog Fouling and Health Issue for Children
    • Wildlife Meadow Planting
    • Canonmills Garden
    • Powderhall Resident's Facebook Page

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Thursday, 1st December 2016 at 19:30

2016/09/08 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 8th September 2016.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Conveyancing of Parking Spaces and Common Land
  • Tender Approval Process
  • Updates on actions by Factor Powderhall
    • Security and Lighting
    • Fire Alarms and Smoke Alarms
    • Underground Car Park
    • Waste Collection
    • St Mark's Park Bridge
    • Flower Bed on Beaverhall Road
    • Dog Fouling and Health Issue for Children
    • Wildlife Meadow Planting
    • Canonmills Garden
    • Powderhall Resident's Facebook Page
    • Washing on Balconies
    • Memorial Tree

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Thursday, 27th October 2016 at 19:30

2016/06/30 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 30 June 2016.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Tender Approval Process
  • Updates on actions by Factor
    • Powderhall Security and Lighting
    • Break Ins
    • Lighting
    • St Mark's Park Bridge and Footpaths
    • Waste Disposal Station
    • Ownership of Parking Spaces in Powderhall Village
    • Powderhall Village Owners' Limited
    • Dog Fouling and Health Issue for Children
  • AOB
    • Wildlife Meadow Planting
    • PVOA Minutes

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Thursday, 8th September 2016 at 19:30

2016/04/14 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 14th April 2016.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Powderhall Gate
  • Updates on actions by Factor
  • Powderhall Security
  • Lighting
  • St Mark's Park Bridge and Footpaths
  • Noise from Waste Disposal Building
  • Ownership of Parking Spaces in Powderhall Village
  • Dog Fouling and Health Issue for Children
  • AOB

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Thursday, 9th June 2016 at 19:30.

2016/03/02 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 2nd March 2016.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Updates on actions by Factor
  • Ownership of Parking Spaces
  • Break-Ins
  • Powderhall Village Facebook Page
  • Floods and Boiler Problems
  • Pathway behind townhouses
  • Fences at B&Q and the Brae
  • Dog Fouling and Health Problem for Children
  • Charles White
  • AGM
  • AOB

The Annual General Meeting is to be held on Tuesday, 22nd March 2016 at 19:30 in the gym hall at Broughton Primary.

The next Committee meeting is to be held on Thursday, 14th April 2016 at 19:30.

2016/01/13 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 13th January 2016.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Updates on actions by Factor
  • Ownership of Parking Spaces
  • Break-Ins
  • Powderhall Village Facebook Page
  • Flood from Boiler
  • Pathway behind townhouses
  • AOB

The next meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 2nd March 2016 at 19:30.

2015/10/29 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 29th October 2015.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Updates on actions by Factor
  • Ownership of Parking Spaces
  • Parking in General and Distribution of Disabled Parking Spaces
  • Underground Car Park
  • Zero Tolerance
  • Powderhall Village Facebook Page
  • Flood from Boiler
  • Hosing down Bin Stores
  • Pathway behind Townhouses
  • AOB

The next meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 13th January 2016 at 19:30.

2015/08/12 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 12th August 2015.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Updates on actions by Factor
  • Ownership of Parking Spaces
  • Distribution of Disabled Parking Spaces
  • Vandalism in Underground Car Park
  • Zero Tolerance
  • Powderhall Village Facebook Page
  • Flood from Boiler
  • Hosing down Bin Stores
  • Dogs urinating on Grass Areas
  • AOB

The next meeting is to be held on Tuesday, 6th October 2015 at 19:30.

2015/06/04 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 4th June 2015.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Updates on actions by Factor
  • Ownership of Parking Spaces
  • Distribution of Disabled Parking Spaces
  • Vandalism in Underground Car Park
  • Dispute over passageway in Underground Car Park
  • Incident at 7 Powderhall Rigg
  • Powderhall Village Facebook Page
  • Gardening Sub-Committee
  • Flood from Boiler
  • AOB

The next meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 12th August 2015 at 19:30.

2015/04/23 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 23rd April 2015.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Updates on actions by Factor
  • Ownership of Parking Spaces
  • Vandalism in Underground Car Park
  • Powderhall Village Facebook Page
  • Gardening Sub-Committee
  • AOB

The next meeting is to be held on Thursday, 4th June 2015 at 19:30

2015/02/05 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 5th February 2015.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Updates on actions by Factor
  • Parking and Powderhall Road Adoption
  • Website Developments
  • Gardening Sub-Committee
  • AOB

The next meeting is the Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday, 11th March 2015 at 19:30. See news for details.

2014/11/25 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 25th November 2014.


  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Noise from B&Q
  • Updates on actions by Factor
  • Parking and Powderhall Road Adoption
  • Upgrading of Website
  • Gardening Sub-Committee AOB

The next meeting is to be held on Thursday, 22nd January 2015 at 19:30.

2014/10/23 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 23rd October 2014.

  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Updates on actions by Factor
  • Parking and Powderhall Road Adoption
  • Upgrading of Website Gardening
  • Sub-Committee
  • AOB

The next meeting is to be held on Tuesday, 25th November 2014 at 19:30.

2014/08/28 Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 28th August 2014.

  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Updates on actions by Factor
  • Parking and Powderhall Road Adoption
  • Upgrading of Website
  • Gardening Sub-Committee
  • AOB

The next meeting is to be held on Thursday, 23rd October 2014 at 19:30.

2014/06/19 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 19th June 2014

  • Apologies
  • Approval of Previous Minutes
  • Updates on actions by Factor
  • Parking and Powderhall Road Adoption
  • Upgrading of Website
  • Gardening Sub-Committee
  • AOB

The next meeting is to be held on Thursday, 28th August 2014 at 19:30.

2014/05/20 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 20th May 2014

  1. Apologies
  2. Approval of Previous Minutes
  3. Updates on actions by Factor
  4. Parking and Powderhall Road Adoption
  5. Upgrade of Web Site
  6. Garden Committee
  7. AOB

The next meeting is to be held on Thursday, 19th June 2014 at 19:30.

2014/02/26 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 26th February 2014

  1. Apologies
  2. Approval of Previous Minutes
  3. Updates on actions by Factor
  4. Parking and Powderhall Road Adoption
  5. Upgrade of Web Site
  6. Formation of PVOA as an unincorporated body with Constitution, Officers and Trustees
  7. Social Event
  8. AOB

The next meeting date is to determined after the AGM.

2014/01/15 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 15th January 2014

  1. Apologies
  2. Approval of Previous Minutes
  3. Updates on actions by Factor
  4. Parking and Powderhall Road Adoption
  5. Upgrade of Web Site
  6. Powderhall Gate Development
  7. Water of Leith Flood Prevention Scheme
  8. Dog Fouling
  9. Garden Committee
  10. Social Event
  11. AOB

The next meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 26th February 2013 at 19:30.

2013/11/27 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 27th November 2013

  1. Apologies
  2. Approval of Previous Minutes
  3. Updates on actions by Factor
  4. Parking and Powderhall Road Adoption
  5. Upgrade of Web Site
  6. Water of Leith Flood Prevention Scheme
  7. Dog Fouling
  8. Budget Forecasts
  9. PVOA Factor Management Fee Increase
  10. Social Event
  11. AOB

The next meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 15th January 2014 at 19:30.

2013/10/30 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 30th October 2013

  1. Apologies
  2. Approval of Previous Minutes
  3. Updates on actions by Factor
  4. Parking and Powderhall Road Adoption
  5. Upgrade of Web Site
  6. Powderhall Gate Development
  7. Water of Leith Flood Prevention Scheme
  8. Dog Fouling
  9. Budget Forecasts
  10. Social Event
  11. AOB

The next meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 27th November 2013 at 19:30.

2013/09/11 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for PVOA Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 11th September 2013


  1. Apologies
  2. Approval of Previous Minutes
  3. Factoring Update - Sarah Wilson, Charles White
  4. Parking and Powderhall Road Adoption
  5. Web-site Upgrade
  6. Powderhall Gate Development
  7. Water of Leith Flood Prevention Scheme
  8. Gardening Sub-Committee
  9. Social Event
  10. AOB

Next Meeting: Wednesday, 30th October 2013 @ 19:30

2013/07/31 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for PVOA Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 31st July 2013


  1. Apologies
  2. Approval of Previous Minutes
  3. Factoring Update - Sarah Wilson, Charles White
  4. Parking and Powderhall Road Adoption
  5. Web-site Upgrade
  6. Gardening Sub-Committee
  7. Social Event
  8. AOB

Next Meeting: Wednesday, 11th September 2013 @ 19:30

2013/05/22 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for PVOA Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 22nd May 2013


  1. Apologies
  2. Approval of Previous Minutes
  3. Demonstration of Safety Catches on Fire Windows
  4. Factoring Update - Sarah Wilson, Charles White
  5. Parking and Powderhall Road Adoption
  6. Web-site Upgrade
  7. Gardening Sub-Committee
  8. AOB

Next Meeting: Wednesday, 31st July 2013 @ 19:30

2013/03/05 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for PVOA Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 5th March 2013


  1. Approval of Previous Minutes
  2. Factoring Update - Sarah Wilson, Charles White
  3. Parking and Powderhall Road Adoption
  4. Web-site Upgrade
  5. Gardening Sub-Committee
  6. Noise from disposal plant
  7. Renewal of Boilers
  8. AGM
  9. AOB

Next Meeting: Annual General Meeting - Wednesday, 10th April 2013 @ 19:30 @ Broughton Primary Gym Hall

2013/01/30 - Committee Meeting

Minutes for PVOA Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 30th January 2013


  1. Approval of Previous Minutes
  2. Factoring Update - Sarah Wilson, Charles White
  3. Parking and Powderhall Road Adoption
  4. Web-site Upgrade
  5. Gardening Sub-Committee
  6. AOB

Next Meeting: Tuesday, 5th March 2013 @ 19:30
